
Hi, Thanks for viewing my blog. It lets me have a rant and I may even help someone along the way. Got the idea to do a blog following using an Arthritis Forum for the first time at

I suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis which is very demanding in all aspects of my life and this is my story on how I deal with it on a day to day basis.

I have been spending lots of time recently researching arthritis and pregnancy, there isnt loads of information out there and the most helpful thing i have found to date is forums and hearing other peoples story. This just confirms to me why I am 'blogging', if someone like me wants to know they are not on their own.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Time flies when you are having fun!

So this time last year I had an oversized belly, swollen ankles, larger than normal boobs, all in all, I was pretty fed up and even though I had just less than 2 weeks to go until my due date it felt like I was well overdue. I was so eager to meet my little wriggler that hadn't seemed to have stopped moving for the past 9 months. After so long planning for the pregnancy because of my medication it was hard to believe the journey had nearly reached its conclusion. He eventually arrived on 23rd January, words can not describe how amazing it felt to be a mum.

So this time next week I will be celebrating my little boys first birthday, it's hard to believe he will be one already. It's lovely seeing him grow each day and I feel so blessed to have our little miracle, but it makes me sad too, he's not a baby anymore. I feel like the firsts are running out though, even when I know I have years of him doing new things. The past year has just flown by, I can't believe how quickly it goes. One of his friends (from our baby group) was one today and had a party, it only seems like a few weeks ago that I met my baby group and their little ones. It's lovely to see them all developing though and their individual little personalities coming out.

I have had so much fun on this incredible journey so far, and although my arthritis still sucks,  it makes it much easier to deal with. I have no choice but to keep going for my little man. When I'm playing games with him even though I'm having to push through the pain to do it, his little smile or giggle just makes all the pain worth it.

Don't get me wrong I still have my worse days when I could just curl up in a ball and cry. But, I get myself up, usually with help from my husband,  plant a smile on my face and just do my best. Today was one of those days and with the damp, cold weather these days occur more often. I still hope that a cure could be just around the corner,  I want to be able to play football with my little boy when he is a little older, and whilst I stretch myself all the time that may be a stretch too far. Chasing after my crawling monster can be a challenge on days like today.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the lack of blog posts in the last year, life is very busy with children. But like with everything I will continue to try harder.