
Hi, Thanks for viewing my blog. It lets me have a rant and I may even help someone along the way. Got the idea to do a blog following using an Arthritis Forum for the first time at

I suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis which is very demanding in all aspects of my life and this is my story on how I deal with it on a day to day basis.

I have been spending lots of time recently researching arthritis and pregnancy, there isnt loads of information out there and the most helpful thing i have found to date is forums and hearing other peoples story. This just confirms to me why I am 'blogging', if someone like me wants to know they are not on their own.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Mummy and baby 1 - arthritis 0

Sorry yet again for the absence of any blogging. Still can't believe how time consuming a little one can be. More so now that he is into everything and starting to walk. I could do with some extra pairs of eyes and hands.

Still enjoying every single minute of this amazing journey that is motherhood. Very hard work but so worth it, it's amazing see this little baby grow,  he's now a little boy with his own cheeky personality. He will never know just how much he has changed my life and how he has helped me so much with dealing with and managing my arthritis.

I'm feeling sorry for myself today, the pain is the worst it's been for a very long time. I could cry, but instead I've planted a smile across my face for my little man and just got on with it. He's not going to miss out on things because of this horrible disease too.
Mummy and baby 1 - arthritis 0

Just a mention, late for this year but to help this lady, Heather raise awareness of mesothelioma please check out the following link when you get chance

Thanks x