
Hi, Thanks for viewing my blog. It lets me have a rant and I may even help someone along the way. Got the idea to do a blog following using an Arthritis Forum for the first time at

I suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis which is very demanding in all aspects of my life and this is my story on how I deal with it on a day to day basis.

I have been spending lots of time recently researching arthritis and pregnancy, there isnt loads of information out there and the most helpful thing i have found to date is forums and hearing other peoples story. This just confirms to me why I am 'blogging', if someone like me wants to know they are not on their own.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

A festive entry

So its Christmas Eve, the big day is only hours away. I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the last year; which has been both the best and worst year to date.

I am so grateful that I was well on our wedding day and was able to walk down the aisle. My family made me so proud that day; happiest of my life - it was a truly amazing day and I got to marry the man of my dreams. A huge thank you to everyone that helped make our day so fab. We also had a fabulous pre wedding honeymoon to Egypt and met some lovely friends and also had a fantastic honeymoon in London following the wedding.

On the flip side I have had quite a poorly year; even before coming off my medication I was struggling a lot of the time but since coming off my medication I have had terrible flare ups and my fits have reoccurred. I am hoping the New Year will resolve a lot of these issues and fingers crossed for our family wish to come true; as this in itself has been such a difficult stage to get to. You are definitely not told about all of this when you do sex education or biology at school where it is made out to sound you only have to look at one another and there'll be a baby. If only it was that easy!

So to everyone Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2012. Thank you to everyone that has taken time to read my blog since I started it; I hope you have enjoyed/found informative what you have read. I will be continuing this throughout 2012 so you can follow me on what I hope will be an exciting journey.

Special shout to I hope the New Year brings you your 1st child and lots of good health.

So enjoy the season guys, stay safe and spare a moment to think of those which cant be with you as well as those which are not fortunate enough to have any family around them this Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for the shout out! I have just uploaded another blog post so have a look when you have a minute. How was your Christmas? xx
